Monday, 25 April 2016

MA Week 24 - Use of social media in practice

Use of social media in practice – 22nd April 2016

This was a useful and practical session from Annabeth. A third of the world’s population are on social media! Lots of hints and tips.


Get a good square image for our avatar and use the same one across all platforms.
Promote your blog via Twitter/Facebook/Instagram
Use social media as an “additional library” e.g. online tutorials on YouTube. It can become a part of your personal learning environment
Take all opportunities to build connections
Get a hashtag for your project/exhibition and use it across all platforms to increase impact.
Use direct messaging when this is more appropriate.
Think about what you make public and what you keep private (e.g. something you might just want to share with your tutor).  
Do you need a separate identity for self/professional self/project?
Blog – use pictures at 72dpi so people can’t steal and print

Lists group tweets from all persons in that list. You can create a list yourself (go to “cog” icon). Think about subscribing to a list. Block the list creator to remove yourself from a list.
Use a widget to generate html – copy & paste into your website.
Set up a chain to cross post to other platforms
Can use Tweetdeck to follow certain hashtags and bring up a live feed


YouTube - use playlists to organise, e.g. sketches and tests, projects – akin to a portfolio. You can create a new playlist or add to an existing one; you can them embed it onto your website.
Record yourself doing something and upload it to YouTube as part of your journal
Vimeo – this is pro-film service you can use for self-publishing
Record a podcast, upload to Soundcloud and add timed comments
NB – people are moving from Soundcloud to Mixcloud. 


issuu – could use for books, zines, portfolio, exhibition catalogues etc
Feedly – curates RSS feeds
Wikipedia – don’t be afraid to use this as a starting point to get an understanding of an issue. Use the references on the page to move forward with your research.
Slideshare – can upload powerpoint and share via social media from there.

Reflection (July 2016)
I don’t really have a relationship with the moving image so I couldn’t see myself putting something onto YouTube. As I tend to think in writing, I doubt if I would use a podcast. But never say never! I’ve started to use YouTube to gain understanding of practical techniques recently. I’ve seen a couple of really good introductions to etching. I think the reason I’d not previously made much use of it is because of my tendency to think in writing. However, you can learn so much more than I’d imagined from a good 4 or 6 minute video clip. So this has definitely made it into my “personal learning environment”! I’m quite active on Twitter, and I’ve tweeted 2 or 3 of my blogposts recently – now that I feel I have something definite to say, and a little bit of confidence in saying it. Previously I think I was only getting views from a couple of friends and a few bots. By tweeting I have received up to twice the average number of views. A small start, but hopefully it will move on from there.

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