Bibliography September - December 2016

Barthel, D.,(1996) Historic Preservation: Collective Memory and Historical Identity. Newark NJ, Rutgers University Press.
Bathmaker, A., (2010) Introduction. In: Bathmaker, A., & Harnett, P., (eds) Exploring Learning, Identity & Power through Life History & Narrative Research. Abingdon, Routledge, pp1-10.
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Benwell B., & Stokoe, E., (2006) Discourse and Identity. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press
Bonnett, A., (2009). ‘The Dilemmas of Radical Nostalgia in British Psychogeography’ Theory, Culture & Society, 26, (1), pp45-70
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Carman, J., and Stig Sørensen, M.L., (2009) “Heritage Studies : An outline” in Stig Sørensen, M.L., and Carman, J., Heritage Studies : Methods and Approaches. London, Routledge (pp11-28)
De Certeau, M., (1984) The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley, University of California Press.
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Lillehammer.G, (2009) “Making them Draw : The use of drawings when researching public attitudes towards the past” in Stig Sørensen, M.L., and Carman, J., Heritage Studies : Methods and Approaches. London, Routledge (pp253 -269)
Harrison, R., (2013) Heritage : Critical Approaches. Abingdon, Routledge.
Rawnsley, S.,(2000) Constructing ‘The North’ : space and a sense of place In: Kirk, N., (ed) Northern Identities : historical interpretations of ‘The North’ and ‘Northernness’. Aldershot, Ashgate.
Relph, E., (1976) Place and Placelessness. London, Pion.
Richardson, T., (2015) A Wander through the scene of British urban walking. In: Richardson, T., (ed) Walking inside out : Contemporary British Psychogeography. London, Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd.
Russell, D., (2004) Looking North: Northern England and the National Imagination. Manchester, Manchester University Press.
Scannell, L., & Gifford, R., (2010) ‘Defining Place Attachment : A tripartite organising framework’ Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30, (1), pp1-10
Sheringham, M., (2006) Everyday Life: Theories and Practices from Surrealism to the Present. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Smith, L., (2006) Uses of Heritage. Abingdon, Routledge.
Thompson, Z., (2015) Urban Constellations : Spaces of Cultural Regeneration in Post-industrial Britain. Farnham, Ashgate.



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